Tremarctos ornatus
IUCN Status: Vulnerable
Visit us at: Port Lympne Hotel & Reserve
Spectacled bears, also known as Andean bears, are omnivorous with less than 10% of their diet coming from meat. The rest comes from fruits, nuts, cactus, orchids and a range of other vegetation. They are excellent climbers and wild individuals have been spotted climbing 500m or more to feast on snails found on cliff faces and mountainsides.
Want To Know More
Spectacled bears have been observed gathering to feast on wild avocados as they ripen in Ecuador's Maquipucuna cloud forest for around 10 weeks each year.
Lifespan: Up to 26 years
Weight: Males 110-160kg, Females 50-90kg
Size: Height: 0.9m, Length: 1.8m
Diet: Omnivore
Diet detail: Wild: bromeliads, orchids, roots, tubers, fruits, snails, nuts, insects and eggs. Captive: root veg and various fruit, eggs, insects and nuts
Did you know?: Male spectacled bears are almost twice the weight of females. Can you tell which is which?
Threats to spectacled bears
The greatest threat faced by spectacled bears in the wild is habitat loss. Other concerns include poaching and human-bear conflict over agricultural land.
Port Lympne Hotel & Reserve
Where to see our spectacled bears
Our spectacled bears live at Port Lympne Hotel & Reserve in Kent.