Make a difference to animals in the wild every pay day
Payroll Giving is an easy, tax-efficient way for your employees to support the causes they love. Help them make a difference every pay day to the animals and habitats we support and protect by signing up to Payroll Giving today.
We are The Aspinall Foundation
Payroll giving is a simple, easy way to support our vital conservation work.
Why payroll giving?
Payroll Giving is a simple and tax-efficient scheme that means your employees can donate regularly to The Aspinall Foundation (and all other UK charities) directly from their gross salary.
Quick and easy to set up, Payroll Giving benefits everyone: employees, charities, and businesses.
Benefits for employees
Quick and easy to support the causes they care about.
It’s the only way of giving that allows full tax relief on donations.
They are in control and can stop or change their donations when it suits them.
Benefits to your business
Shows commitment to your local charity, your community, the environment and demonstrates you are a caring employer.
Makes it easy for your employees to give regularly and is great for staff morale and retention.
There are minimal set up costs and minimal impact on your payroll team.
Benefits to The Aspinall Foundation
Regular and reliable income means we can make plans and budget for the future.
Payroll Giving can mean higher value gifts, as givers benefit from tax relief, they often give more.
Matched funding by employers is a great incentive for employees to sign up (and extra income for our charity).
Why support The Aspinall Foundation?
Giving through your salary each payday, you could help us to...
- Protect 1,000,000 acres of pristine habitat in Congo & Gabon
- Operate a gorilla orphanage in Congo
- Monitor and protect critically endangered lemurs and their habitats in Madagascar
- Rescue, rehabilitate and rewild langurs and gibbons in Indonesia
- Carry out emergency animal rescue operations in South Africa
- Protect precious animals in the wild and, wherever possible, return captive-born animals to their ancestral homelands.
Thanks to your support, The Aspinall Foundation are one of the only charities actively rewilding animals in this way.
How does it work?
Once you have set up your scheme, your employees will be able to sign up to donate. Each payday, their chosen donation amount will be taken directly out of their gross salary by your payroll department. The donation is taken after National Insurance is deducted, but before tax.
All employees’ donations are sent from your company to your chosen Payroll Giving agency (PGA) who will handle the transfer of funds to TAF.
Sign upFive steps to Payroll Giving success!

1). Sign up with a Payroll Giving Agency (PGA)
If you haven’t already, you’ll need to sign up with a PGA. PGAs facilitate Payroll Giving and will distribute your employees’ donations to their chosen charity or charities. Recommended PGAs include Charitable Giving, Charities Trust or Charities Aid Foundation. Email or call 07734962121 for more advice on how to set up the scheme.

2). Get everyone on board
The support of senior management, Payroll and HR is essential. We can help by telling them about our charity, how we benefit from regular donations and how to make Payroll Giving work for you. Email or call 07523 541987 to arrange a visit.

3). Promote Payroll Giving to staff
Your employees may never have heard of Payroll Giving so it’s important to promote the scheme. We’ve created a PDF for you to share with your staff and are more than happy to run ‘lunch and learn’ sessions with them.

4). Employees sign up
All employees need to do is let your payroll department know they want to join the scheme and complete your chosen PGA’s sign-up form.

5). Donations begin
Now that you’ve got a Payroll Giving scheme and your employees are signed up, your payroll team can start making the deductions each payday. You may want to match fund the money that your employees have donated – to show your support for the causes they care about.
That’s it! Through Payroll Giving, you and your employees will make a real difference every payday to the animals and projects we protect and support.
Promoting Payroll Giving to employees
Invite us into your workplace to deliver some ‘lunch and learn’ sessions where we can inspire your employees with the difference their donation will make to endangered animals and their habitats.
Email or call 07734962121 to arrange a visit.
You can also use emails and the intranet to enable staff to sign up instantly via an online form. Or ask your PGA to provide you with a simple paper form which you can give out to staff. To sign up, they fill out the form and return it to your payroll department.
Payroll Giving - A Guide For EmployeesPractice what you preach
Why not sign up yourself and encourage your senior managers to set a good example.
Recruit a committed group of staff volunteers. They can be invaluable in promoting your scheme to their peers.
Promote the reasons why
Share with employees the reasons why you’re supporting The Aspinall Foundation with a Payroll Giving gift.
Keep promoting
Put reminders about Payroll Giving in payslips or add a Payroll Giving area to your online HR system or intranet. We can help you with content to add to your message if that is useful.
Run regular promotions to maintain awareness and continue to recruit new donors throughout the year.
Include promotional materials in new starter and induction packs to inform new staff about the scheme.
Celebrate success
Thank your employees and celebrate their donations via newsletters, in team meetings or at away days. Use your success stories as a positive PR opportunity.
Consider matching your employees’ donations and publicise this to your employees - this is a powerful incentive.
Apply for a Payroll Giving Quality Mark and enter your scheme for the National Payroll Giving Excellence Awards.
Any questions?
If you've still got questions about Payroll Giving you can consult our FAQs or…
Book The Aspinall Foundation for a visit to your workplace.
We are more than happy to come and tell you and your colleagues about The Aspinall Foundation, how we work with Port Lympne and Howletts and how a gift through Payroll Giving helps get rare and endangered animals #BackToTheWild
Email or call 07734962121 to arrange a visit.